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How to choose a programme?

Choosing a study programme is a big responsibility. Leiden University wants to help you be well-prepared and confident in your choice. Here are some suggestions to help you along the way.

1. Discover yourself

Talk to your family, your friends, your teachers and your counsellor at school. Inventory your interests and talents:

  • What inspires you?
  • What are your favourite subjects?
  • What are you good at?
  • How do you like to learn?


Which programme(s) suits you best?  Use our Career Personality Test - it will give you programmes suggestions based on your unique characteristics.

2. Design your list

What’s most important to you in your university choice?
For example:

  • Reputation of the university
  • Study programmes and subject choices
  • Large lectures or small classes (or a mix of both?)
  • Cultural, extra-curricular and social opportunities
  • Internships and study abroad options

3. Do your research

The world is at your fingertips so search it!

  • Check out programme details in this brochure and on our website
  • Ask your counsellor for input
  • Find us on social media
  • Ask your counsellor for input
20240514 Universiteit Leiden 067 7028
20240514 Universiteit Leiden 067 7028

'In my final years of high school, I was constantly torn between what I wanted to study wavering from Cinema to Mathematics. Coming from Spain, I felt that the programmes there were more rigidly divided into Science or Humanities. During my orientation online I found information about the Liberal Arts & Sciences programme at Leiden University College The Hague, the perfect fit for me combining Science and Humanities.

Leiden University College has an introduction week where they teach you practical things like where to buy groceries and do your laundry, but they also organise a lot of fun activities. I met my friends during this week and we became very close, partly because we live and study in the same building.

Although I knew the Liberal Arts & Sciences programme wasn’t only about learning theory, I was still pleasantly surprised about the impactful skills we develop during the studies. Skills that are valuable for the rest of our careers and life like writing, presenting, and discussing. In the first year, you have a teacher as a tutor which is very helpful. The teachers here are super engaged and supportive, treating you as an equal. I feel we will always be connected, even after graduation.'

DolÇa Collado Garcia
Loves to be part of a close community