The Hague
City of Peace, Justice and Security

The Hague proudly claims the title of the city of Peace, Justice and Security. It is the seat of government, home of the Dutch monarchy, NATO, the International Criminal Court, embassies and consulates from around the world, plus hundreds of organisations, multinational companies, knowledge centres and think tanks.

International environment

The Hague is deeply involved in building a safe and just world, with the impressive, world-famous Peace Palace at the centre of it all. It is the perfect environment to encourage dialogue and debate. You can immediately apply what you learn as a student in the international environment that The Hague offers. Attend guest lectures by highly respected experts or intern at one of the many institutions that help to shape our world – all right in your own backyard!

A coffee with the prime minister

The Hague is home to both the government of the Netherlands and the King, so don’t be surprised if you find our prime minister sitting next to you while you’re having a cappuccino. If you pass by Noordeinde Palace, you can see for yourself if the King is working.

What you need to know about… The Hague
38 museums
550000 residents
200 international organisations
2750 shops
500 restaurants
70 beach pavilions

A city full of art and culture

With the most historic sites per square metre in the Netherlands, The Hague oozes culture and history. Gazing straight into the eyes of Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring at the Mauritshuis museum is just a beautiful, five-minute-walk away from losing all sense of perspective at Escher in Het Paleis. Go on from there to discover Madurodam, where you’ll find the whole of Netherlands at your feet (in miniature).
Must sees in The Hague

Vermeer’s Girl
with a Pearl Earring


The Peace

‘After high school in Venice, I first went abroad for one and half years in the USA. I always hoped I would become a curator at Venice Biennale or at Documenta, a big art exhibition in Berlin. To accomplish this and my focus on art in the contemporary sphere, I chose to study Arts, Media and Society in Leiden. My grandparents are from the Netherlands and I thought reconnecting with these roots would be nice. Leiden University has great rankings and interesting programmes.

After arriving in Leiden, I was lucky to be able to participate in the OWL week, the introduction week for international students. This week full of social activities makes entering the university community very easy. I still see the people from my group! I also signed up for the SKC student volleyball association. It was nice to be able to play in a student team, but it was also challenging since most of the other students were Dutch. In the beginning it was hard to get into conversation, but with some confidence I managed to turn conversations into English. I am now part of the volleyball student committee that organises integration activities for new students.’

Alessia Zanon
Loves to play volleyball